Saturday, January 14, 2006

I need to laugh... I'm posting another interview absurdity. With SXSW quickly coming upon us, I keep looking at videos of all the odd things that can happen during any kind of public speaking...sort of a prep of what could happen to me at any public event. This is an example of a tv interview going wrong in the background but, the interviewee [is that a word?] keeps his composure in the foreground...

As seen on

Friday, January 13, 2006

George...It's only 1000tags...

I guess you could say I had too much coffee today...
One of my readers had this to say about the 1000tags concept:

menzies said...
A very interesting concept - it's the milliondollarhomepage meets tagging. Still, I can't see this being as effective as tagging on sites such as Flickr and Rogue Connect. I don't think tagging has a financial viability in the form of a webpage completely devoted to it. It's not just interesting enough to behold. Implemented into another site, however, it's probably more viable.
5:20 PM

If we could clone you I'm sure you'd be, without a doubt, correct. But that's the beauty of variables and opinions; like the stock market [and Las Vegas], the internet is fickle and a hypothesis is as close as we can get to predicting the future of any given concept.
Who knew rock'n'roll was going to last...who knew 'rap' was going to last? Truth be said, concerning business, if we understood the wants and needs of every individual in the masses, you and I would be trillionaires!
We've learned from the last web goldrush that being first on something new will pay off [providing we get out before it crashes or, in some cases, hang in there for the long haul]. If it doesn't pay off, I won't lose my shirt...this time.

[Thanks Menzies for writing!]

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

1000tags--Jeneane Said So

Jeneane's always watching out for the oddities on the net. Okay you freaks--here's this new site called 1000tags. She says it's about tagging and tag clouds and folksonomies. I say, FOLKSONOMY? Reminds me of the old F-Troop joke...